Monday, February 3, 2014

“Other Bodies”

an old poem I've dug up.

I feel my Body,
            it is filled with hunger.
            hungry for touch.
            hungry for love.
And I wonder,
do these other bodies
            those other persons
            do their bodies feel like mine?

I walk down the street,
            searching the sights,
            mining my thoughts,
            and see these bodies not my own.
With naked eyes and pregnant memory,
            incarnate with feeling.

Young children radiant with innocence.
Prostitutes soiled with loneliness.
Workers reek of exhaustion.
gluttonous belch indigestion.
Playboys so perfumed with charm,
homeless sit saturate in shame.
cripples broken with bitterness.
AIDS patients shivering feverish
crazies sit ranting delirious
Slumchildren with “shiners” and bruises,       
forage for food - misplaced in the garbage.
I see bodies.
Seeing only in part.
Revealed but in part.
The persons expressed,
            expressed only in part.
What then is there that bodies be?
What being beneath do they convey?

Radiant, soiled, reeking, belching, perfumed, saturated, broken, and shining.

All these tangible and yet,
            I have no sixth sense to express.
The famine under inwardly I groan.
wondering, how do others look at me?
            at me
            with naked eyes and pregnant memory
            incarnate with feeling.

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